by Suzane Adam
translated from the Hebrew by Becka Mara McKay
Introspective Ildiko reveals past events that have been secret for years. She revisits her childhood in a small, far-flung village in Transylvania that left their mark on her entire life. Only now, after her immigration to Israel and the process of growing up and adapting, do the repressed nightmares from the past return and threaten to destroy the bonds of love and security she has built.
As her story unfolds—and with it, the parallel stories of her family—we come to understand the mysterious, violent event that begins this gripping, fast-paced novel, and to see how Ildiko’s story has come full circle. Laundry is a psychological thriller driven by characters whose lives were shaped by the Holocaust.
ISBN: 9780975444474 / 2008 / 290 pages / paperback / $16.95 / cover design by Justin Angeles
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